Flokkar: Lengra nám

In a world where technological change is rapid, the need for people to upgrade their computer skills and technical literacy is becoming more and more important and urgent for people in the labor market to develop their skills in this field. This 42 hour course is both for people that have little or no knowledge and skills in the field and for those that have skills but want to learn more.

Upon completion of the course, the person attending will have acquired knowledge and skills that promote a positive attitude towards equipment and information technology, in addition to having strengthened their basic knowledge and skills in information technology. The key is that those who attend the course gain increased confidence in their own ability to work in a digital environment and can thus keep up with innovations in the world of technology. In addition to general technical skills and literacy, the course covers operating systems, cloud solutions, automation and artificial intelligence, security awareness as well as teleworking and distance learning.

The program is set up in such a way that it will be easy to adapt it to different activities, industries or situations in the world of work, and technological advances and changes that take place at any given time are taken into account.

Upon compleating the course participants will receive a Certificate of recognition and the course is registered at island.is through the Inna database. 


  • Technical skills and technical literacy - Do you want a better understanding of technology?
  • Operating systems - How to configure the devices according to your needs
  • Cloud Solutions - How they work
  • Automation and Artificial Intelligence – How you can make technology work for you
  • Security Awareness – A better understanding of threats and security issues
  • Teleworking and distance learning - Be better at taking advantage of the possibilities

Next course

Starts on May 22 and gradutation is June 13. Mondays to Thursdays from 13:00-16:00.




The course is subsidized by the Education Fund and participants pay 19.000 ikr. Contact your trade union for information regarding grants.

For more info

Helga Tryggvadóttir s. 581 1900helga@framvegis.is